Change of plans 4/6/07
It seems my plans have taken an unexpected turn. I'll be staying in CA for awhile longer than I thought.
"He" is paying half the amount ordered by the court, and I can not make it work in Tennessee. So I am postponing the last three weeks of school to go out there to move out of my rent house and put my things in storage. I'll stay at my sister's house until the divorce is final, and then see what God has in store for me.
I am "manifesting" moving back to Tennessee in the fall. There is a place in Midtown I have been coveting for a couple of years. Maybe it will go on the market when I am ready to come back. Hold that prayer for me!!
I have made arrangements to take the last week of this course in June and the Watsu in July. Hopefully the divorce will be final by then, and I'll better know what my situation is. In the meantime, I can work in California, even before taking the classes in June and July.
I'll bring my table and do as many massages as I can fit in while I am there! Email me if you want to "set up an appointment!"
this is not as scary for me as it sounds. I'm not stuck, just delayed. Keep white light headed my way, please!