This website shows me that folks are checking in. It's nice to see the numbers go up and know that you are thinking about me.
Things are plodding along fine. I just got back from a week of Watsu 2 training, and fell in love with it again. And I received my first Waterdance session, and fell in love with that, too. I'm having the hours from one school transfered to the School of Shiatsu and Massage to consolidate everything and work towards getting certified as an Aquatic Bodyworker.
California has no standard licensing for massage therapists, which makes it sorta crazy to try to practice here. I can't get a massage business license in my own town, because of the moratorium instituted last June. I can get a job working for an already established business, but I'd need a license in that town. The required background check takes 2-6 weeks, and they won't start the background check until I've put in my application for a license--which I can't get until I have an employer---who won't hire me without a license. >sigh< So I'm going to just go ahead and spend the money to get an "outcall" license in my town (and get the background check done), and then spend the $$ again in whatever town I end up working in. Kinda crazy, but I guess we do what we have to do. I'm also looking for a pool warm enough to do Watsu in. The closest ones are too cold. My search radius is widening. Taking the next reasonable step is a good premise. Not holding on too tightly to any one outcome is a good one, too.
In the meantime I am working very part time with an eightyplus year old lady with Parkinsonism. It is rewarding work, and they pay me a more-than-fair wage. I'm only gone two hours a day, so it doesn't interfere too much with the kids' homeschooling.
The children are very happy here. And I am grateful to be near my sisters and mom. And I love the weather now that it has stopped raining. Right now I am sitting by the open patio door and the temperature is PERFECT. There is enough of a breeze to set the windchimes singing, and not disturb anything else.
College is on hold for awhile, I think. I may take one independent study course, but I won't be going to school full time in the fall. I have the younger kids signed up for Montessori school through the charter school program (no tuition or fees), but they get about three times as many applications as they have openings for. (They choose by lottery). We could be chosen as late as two weeks into the school year (or not at all...). So I'm trying to stay open to all my options, and to stay curious about what the outcomes will be....
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